Do not play in a way that does not make sense, breaking character, or otherwise doing something not suitable for the world.
Do not go out of character while in game. Discord, besides the ravens and character lore channels, is for out of character chatting.
Talking about real life, breaking character, etc.
You see someone break a rule, a glitch occurs or someone not roleplaying correctly. You cannot call them out for this in-game. You must use discord for anything out of character. create a ticket for admin support.
Using an unrealistic voice changer (sci-fi effects, alien effects etc.)
Repairing doors and walls while raiders attempt to enter.
The act of using an in-game mechanic, external information or a roleplay concept to favor their own character or story and give an unfair or unrealistic advantage, or to take shortcuts IC that come out of a vanilla or non-RP playstyle. This can include things like using mobs to break rocks/trees, stacking carts on top of boats, animation canceling during PVP, using sledgehammers to find silver, using /die to return home, setting up mob farms, no-clipping into crypts, etc. etc.
Every roleplaying scenario should have a chance of you failing.
You cannot roleplay as invulnerable or a god, a supernatural being etc. Being delusional is allowed but there should be ways for that delusion to break or be called into question.
You make a hedge maze and announce it in a server lore post. However, you only give the keys and solutions to your friends, giving them all the prizes.
You scout out the swamps and make maps of crypts during the bronze era because you know that’s where you find iron for the next one.
You play a brutal warlord who has done many wrongs across the land. You steadfastly refuse any and all consequences for your character including routinely denying anyone a chance to overcome you.
Animation Cancelling or other exploitative techniques such as taking advantage of lag spikes during world saves for PvP is against the rules of the server and is considered Power Gaming.
Use of a player’s real-life knowledge concerning the state of the game or secrets about another’s character or story.
Your character only knows what they have experienced in game and through in character communication.
You cannot use information gathered outside of the game.
You cannot use UI information your character hasn't experienced.
Knowing someone / their name before you have met them in character.
Knowing where people are going to be because they pinged on the map.
Knowing someone is going to be somewhere and waiting to rob them because you saw it on discord.
“Wow this meal gave me 200 blood points”
Do not go out of character whilst in-game.
Gamebreaking issues/glitches or problems should be ignored and later reported to the admin team.
Usage of "(OOC:)" brackets in text-chat is not acceptable in VRP. Use of emoji 😃 or chatspeak (lol rofl lmao brb), is also not acceptable.
If you are having technical issues with hearing other players, offer an IC explanation: "Forgive me friend, it seems my ears are blocked - give me a moment to unblock them."
Every story you attempt to tell with your character should have room for failure. If the stories you engage in must be completed the way you wish them to be, if you can never experience a moment of failure or loss in your story, it is not fun for anyone else to engage with. There are no "Losers" in storytelling. Your characters may fail to meet their goals. How your characters react to that is part of character building, story building. This is not a single player game and there are no main characters. You cannot control the actions of others and you should not seek to.
When strong emotions (positive or negative) follow you out of game and into your real life, we call this Bleed. Bleed is not good. Bleed leads to bad role play and bad experiences in and out of game. Bleed will cause you to lash out at players in unhealthy ways or even self-sabotage. We do not tolerate Bleed on VRP.
While it's normal to feel heavy things while playing your character, learning to separate what has happened to your character and how you feel outside of the game is extremely important. If you are having issues with this, it is imperative that you #create-a-ticket and talk to staff about what can be done to mitigate this.
Your character can only understand UI information they obtain with a role play reason.
The following items are identifiable by their 'Crafted by:' tag:
Weapons / Tools
Clothes / Armor
Names on beds
Names on wards
Extra UI information that the game gives you that is not obtained with a roleplay reason should not be used by your character.
This includes:
Instance count
Players online
Player names in chat or mumble
Example 1: You meet a player for the first time, you don't know them. You read their name in in-game chat and call them by it with no introduction.
Example 2: You have been raided and you scour the shoreline for any ships the bandits might have left behind. You see an oar with the name of your enemy, Greg. You are sure he was involved and prepare to fight him for the truth.
Players with their map marker on can always be located within the world. You are announcing that you are open to RP or can otherwise be found. You must RP your discovery, you cannot "just know it". For example:
We followed your footsteps through the woods.
I saw the smoke from your fire and assumed you were home.
Your particularly unique and foul smell filled the river as it always does when you're nearby.
The town looked lively tonight so we stopped by.
I knew you lived in the southern mountains so I looked around until I found you.
I saw your map marker was on and I wanted to rob you so here I am.
Ravens are short messages to be sent directly to another character. Usually using a discord thread. See our guide for more.
They require:
They CANNOT be used for:
Good Examples
@BobTheSmith A fat sow walks into your smith shop and grunts loudly.
A hastily scrawled message is scribbed onto a piece of leather scrap.
"Bring me new shovel, i give lots bacon -Ted"
Bad Examples
@BobtheSmith Hey I'll be there in 15 minutes.
@everyone I need my bow repaired. Can anyone do it?
This is a voice role playing server. Your primary interaction with any players should be through the mumble voice chat.
We welcome and accept that some users may prefer to use text roleplay - however all players are required to be in the Mumble server.
If you are not in mumble, you cannot hear other players talking to you.
Text roleplay is always an option, but within the world of the game it is considered “speaking”, the same as someone using their voice. If your character loses their voice or for some reason cannot speak, using text chat is not an indication of that.
Erotic and sexual roleplay is not allowed in game. Relationships and public displays of affection are allowed everywhere. VRP is open and anyone could intercept your ERP without consent of either party. For this reason it must be done outside of the game.