VRP uses professions to help define and prioritize your roleplay. In vanilla, being able to build everything and make anything is fine. In a server this large, it is beneficial to specialize. This increases and builds economy and gives you a reason to seek out other players.
Every player is capable of building all available construction materials, and stone/flint weapons, leather armor, cheap tools. Enough to get you going. The rest are specialized.
Everyone can use every weapon, but your specialty will determine which you have mastery/extra skill in.
Once you have entered the season, the only way to change your class is to take on an Apprenticeship.
"Alcohol and powerful magics... surely those mix well"
Alchemists can craft medicines, all magic weaponry, potions, and meads. They are magically minded or perhaps just very good friends with the herbs of intoxication.
"Don't ask me how I make the sausages, just eat 'em."
Cooks make the heartiest of meals to keep everyone fighting at their best, and keep them coming back for seconds. Anyone can throw a slab of deer meat over a fire, but only Cooks know the secrets to true flavor.
"With this I shall cultivate the world!"
Farmers know how to cultivate the earth to grow crops, and they're the only ones with the knowledge necessary to tame and breed livestock.
"If it's a 'fine blade' made by someone else's hands, it ain't fine."
Weaponsmiths are forgemasters. They make all the advanced tools and weaponry anyone could ever need. They don't work with magic, but why should they?
"Class darling, aesthetic, style, fashion... Things that, judging by your appearance, you know nothing about"
The Clothier is a master of armor, style, and aesthetic. They can cut your hair, dress you up, or if you look like a peasant, dress you down. While a good partner to the weaponsmith, they don't deal with the nastiness of coal. They're true craftsman.
"Money makes the world go round... at least that's what I tell my customers"
Merchants are the beating heart of the economy. They mint coins, and deal with a wide array of odd or otherwise unobtainable goods. If you can't find it, there's a good chance it's because they already have it.
The merchant class is not available to first time players and requires admin approval.
These classes are designed to give you a more customized class experience. They are not generally reccommended for first time players. Non-Crafting Classes can take two apprenticeships.
"Money first, work later."
You cannot craft anything, but you make up for brains with brawn with extra carry weight and a higher skill ability in woodcutting and mining.
"I'm just here for the view. And-- I am the view."
You can craft nothing and have no notable skills. You are here to learn as you go, or perhaps refrain from learning at all.
"Sometimes simple is best"
Unarmed, Sledge, Mace
"Keep your friends close and your enemies 5 feet away"
Atgeir, Spear
"A knife at every back, and a sword in every arm"
Knives, Swords, Axes
"Calculate the exact angle and windspeed.... or just wing it"
Bows, Crossbows
"Bring a fireball to a knife fight"
Magical weaponry of all kinds.
VRP has early game magic, no need to wait until Mistlands.
You are not proficient at combat, but can take two apprenticeships.
In VRP you are allowed to train a master of your chosen craft or weapon and learn from them. They can teach you the nature of the class, how to become a master of it, and get you started. What this apprenticeship entails is up to them. It must last for at least 3 IRL days of work.
When it is complete, you or your teacher can #create-a-ticket and inform the admins of the class switch, and you will be given your new skills at the expense of the old ones. You may only have one crafting and weapon class at a time.
Those who choose a non-crafting class or no weapon proficency can change classes twice, otherwise you may only change classes once per character.