Time and Space have been ripped to pieces
The veils between worlds, the space between Now and Before have been broken.
Now, you're here. Standing on the shores of a place familiar, but new.
This bubble of time and place has erupted for reasons unknown. There must be a cause. There must be a solution.
You feel certain that if you remain here, whatever and wherever and whenever this is, everything everywhere else is sure to break. To crumble. To die.
You must return to where you came. You must end this place.
Your character has arrived on a new shore filled with dread. They shouldn't be here. Whatever drew them here cannot have good intentions, you just don't know what or why. Your story should include this abduction.
Players who have participated in a previous season of VRP may create a character using the backstory, lore, and events of any season in any way you wish. You may play a character you previously portrayed, a relative, a descendent, an old character in another time in their life, a character from the midst of the seasons' action or long, long after. Even a new character from an old season altogether. They may remember the events of the season they're from, or they may not. It is up to you.
Newcomers to VRP, or those who have never played a season before, should create a character using this hook:
May I play more than one character?
Only one at a time. But due to the brevity of the season and the unique nature of it, you will not be required to wait three days for a re-roll.
I have a friend looking to play for the first time, could they play a character from a previous season?
Rather than spending a bunch of time getting new players caught up to speed on the extensive lore and details of any particular season of VRP over the last four years, it would be better for them to learn to play on our server with a fresh start and a generic historical background. They are still welcome to play with us, and especially with you.
Can I play a character or a relative of a character someone else portrayed?
With their explicit documented permission, yes.
How do I know what's canon to the future of a previous season?
Anything is possible. If it hasn't happened "on-screen" here it may just be an alternate timeline or reality. You might even choose a divergence from within a seasons canon. All is viable. What's more important is that you respect the choices of others if their ideas about the future of any possible season contradict yours. It's possible than an infinite number of possibilities exist.